LESTO strategy for 2014–2020

The ambitious goals set forth to the electricity distribution company LESTO a few years ago today have become usual working practise. LESTO has implemented significant changes to make its operations much more effective; embraced modern management practises and performance indicators are now among the best in the region.

However, we live in a constantly evolving environment, therefore, we must evolve as well. LESTO is an important player in the development of Lithuanian economy and company take’s this big responsibility seriously. Thus, we always have to be one step ahead and strive for the best results possible.

LESTO strategy for is the most important planning document for the period of 2014–2020. It establishes company’s goals and future perspectives. Based on this strategy LESTO will work in three strategic directions to enhance value of our Company:

  • We will assure the interests of electricity consumers and increase the value created in order to maintain high level of customer satisfaction. The improvements of quality and convenience of our services is our top priority and an inexhaustible opportunity.
  • Like in previous years, we will remain focused on our operational effectiveness. It allows us to manage costs and assure better customer services, reliability of the distribution network and better organisation of Company’s operations as well.
  • We will build organisational culture based on key corporate values – cooperation, responsibility, result – in order to create an inspiring company that employees, shareholders and the society are proud of.